6,150 yards, 3 swims, 2:25. Did some 100's one day, then my fartlek 200's, and finally a straight 2,100 (you know, to simulate a 1.2M half race distance). I've definitely learned a few things about swimming. First, I am slow. Not just slow in the sense that my typical pace is slow, but slow in the sense, that when I try to go fast and work hard, I'm still slow. Its quite depressing. My second attempt to hire a coach seems to be falling through. One things for certain: I need help.
65.6 miles, 2 rides, 3:01. Cut out the hour on the trainer and dialed back the mileage. Trying to up the intensity however. Saturday's 30 miler included 5x3min intervals with 3 min AR. Ended up with a 21.5 mph avg. Sunday was 65 deg and full sun. Awesome weather! Did 35 miles at 21.8 avg as part of a brick workout. So the whole weekend was at 21.6 mph average. Short, but intense.
15 miles, 3 runs, 1:47. Keeping on my strict limit of 3 runs and 5 miles a run. Tuesday morning was cold : 27 degrees, so that was slow. Thursday night felt good and ran 6:54's. Sunday's brick run went well. Got some cramping in my left hammie, but just stopped and stretched for like 10 seconds and I was good to go. Averaged 6:40's for the brick run. Last mile was a 6:26! Hip felt pretty sore after, but I went directly to the routine: stretch the ITB, protein shake, 20 oz of water, and ice for 20 min. After dinner it actually felt pretty good.
1 Lift, 0:20. The sickies put a dent in my schedule and I missed a lift. Still striving for 2 a week
84.1 miles, 9 workouts, 7:34. Not a lot of time, but some really good intensity before the Ides of March.
6 weeks to Charleston. Hopefully my bike will be there, because my run will not.